In PPS Express you have more than one option to find a suitable slot in which to book a new appointment.
Navigating the Diary
Try the Book option from the top menu. You'll then be given a number of useful options to quickly jump to the week you are looking to book a client in for.
Alternatively, access the diary directly via the Diary menu option. You'll be presented with your availability, appointments, and be able to see where there are gaps for new appointments.
If you are not a Diary User in PPS, or if you have not selected a Default Diary User from the Settings screen then you will be prompted to select a Diary User from the dropdown list. Once you have done so, that user's diary will load automatically. You can then use this dropdown to switch between the diaries of different users. See our viewing multiple diaries guide to learn how to view multiple user's diaries at once in Express.
Use the arrows around "This week" to navigate forward or backwards on the diary, or click the centre of this button to be taken straight back to the current week.
The next button along allows the toggling of single or multiple diary users, more information on which can be found here.
The "datepicker" button opens a series of options for finding a diary date based on month, or via a monthly calendar view.
Finally, you can refresh the diary to view any changes or access Help & Information which provides a reference for all the icons in the Express diary.
Booking an Appointment
Once you have located a suitable appointment slot click it and you will be prompted to select a client to book into it. Here, you can either select the client you are currently working with, one you have worked with recently, search for an existing client, or add a completely new client.
Next you'll be able to select the relevant Appointment Type from the drop down list, make changes to the duration, and add any useful notes.
Once added, you will be taken back to the Diary where you will see your appointment now booked in.
Editing/deleting your appointment booking
In order to make any changes to an appointment in PPS Express click the appointment either from the main Diary screen or the Client Log. You are then presented with a range of options, choose Modify to make changes to this particular booking.
You are then able to edit any of the details associated with the appointment - including its status.
Deleting an appointment
If a client does not attend their appointment you can use the Did Not Attend option to record this. To completely delete an appointment click the booking in the diary and select Delete.
Confirm the deletion and you will be taken back to the main Diary page.