When pre-scheduled activities reach their due date they'll be available to send via your Process Activities screen. This guide will take you through sending out those activities and also detail how to view upcoming activities for yourself and others.
Section One - Process Activities
a. When you log into PPS you'll be notified of any Activities in your name that are now due to be processed/sent. Click Yes on this pop-up to access the Process Activities screen or go via Activities > Process Your Outstanding Activities.
b. At the top of the screen you can switch between viewing Activities solely in your own name or use the dropdown to view those listed under {All Users} or in the name's of other users. Activities listed under {All Users} are not assigned to a particular user so responsibility of processing them is shared among all users.
Extra Information: If you have a PPS Hosted, Express, or an Online Booking system then it's possible that you have Activity Manager as part of your contract. Activity Manager identifies all Activities assigned to {All Users} and sends them for you.
It's also possible to assign activities to groups of users using User Groups which are created and assigned as part of the User set up via Tools > Set Up Practitioners and System Users.
c. Whether looking at your own activities, those under {All Users}, or ones in another User's name then you'll send them from here in the same way. To begin, choose one of the options in the Process Activities screen, in the example below we've chosen to process our Upcoming Appointment Reminders.
d. From here you'll see all Activities under this category/type that are now due to be processed by the user you have chosen to view. At the bottom of the screen you have the following options:
- Refresh: Refresh the screen to check for any new activities.
- Process: Process the selected activity. In terms of E-Mails and SMS to process means to send but for other activity types such as letters and telephone calls this will open this activity up for you to deal with.
- Dismiss: Mark the selected activity as completed without sending or processing it. Right click this button to dismiss all activities in the list you have open.
- Auto-Process: Send all E-Mails and SMS in the list with the press of one button.
- Re-Assign: Re-Assign one or All activities in this list to another user or User Group.
Section 2 - Activities List
a. Another way to view and send your activities is via the Activities List which you can find under the Activities menu.
b. From here you can use the filters to the left to view activities that are due now as well as those that are for the future or have already been completed. You can also select what types of activities you want to see listed and use the dropdown to select which user's you want to view activities for.
c. You can use the New option to easily add a new Activity or choose Process to process individual activities as required. You can also Re-Assign one or all of the activities listed to another User or User Group.