The Account screen is a central part of Accounts in PPS from which you can view a full history of client and third-party accounts. You can use this screen to raise new charges, invoices, and payments and also print off invoices and Statements of Account.
Access the Accounts Screen via Accounts > Accounts. Ensure you have the correct client selected or use the Search option to choose another. Click Third-Party to select a third-party account to view.
Use the New button at the top of the screen to raise new charges, invoices and payments. Find information on the PPS billing process here. Use Modify to make changes to the entry you have selected or Delete to remove it.
Use the Print option to print off Invoices, Receipts, or Statements of Account. Access Cash Desk using the button at the top and Refresh the screen after switching between clients or third parties from here also.
The client or third-party name and address details can be previewed to the left. If you're viewing a client who has third-parties associated then they will show to the right, double click any of these to switch to the account for that third-party.
The main body of the accounts screen displays the history of charges, invoices, and payments associated to the client or third-party you are viewing. Any single transaction shown here will show the basic details and values, along with colour co-ordination depending on its current status:
-Green: Outstanding charges or unallocated payments
-Orange: Unpaid or Part-Paid Invoices or Part-Allocated Payments
-Purple: Fully Paid Invoices or Fully Allocated Payments.
In the bottom right of the screen there will be a total balance for debit and credit on the account including for third-parties if viewing a client account.