Expenditure Management is a feature of PPS which can be used to record the expenses of your business; from sundries, to gas and electric bills, or staff wages. The information that you input here can be used to run reports to review and export details of your expenses.
Section 1 - Recording an Expense
a. To begin using the Expenditure Management tool navigate to Accounts > Expenditure Management. From this screen you can create new expenditure records, modify or remove existing entries, and view at a glance details of all recorded expenditure.
You can use the dropdowns at the top of the screen to filter any entries you have by Supplier and/or the Practitioner associated to the expense. The options down the left of the screen allow you to further filter expense entries by payment status and expense type.
b. Click New in the bottom corner of the screen to begin recording a new expenditure record.
c. From here you can record all details of your expenditure record:
Supplier - Use this and the ID field to record the source of the invoice. The term supplier can be used loosely here as the ‘Supplier Name’ field can be used for anything, from a supplier of a product, to your own company name if you are recording wages. If you have existing Suppliers then you can access and re-use these by pressing the down arrow to the right. To add a new Supplier input their name into the Supplier text box and hit enter. Then, choose Add in the next screen and you'll be prompted to add some additional details. Now you've added this supplier it will be available for use in future expenditure records. Once a supplier is selected, use the home button to the right to modify their details should you need to do so. See a video on adding Suppliers to PPS via the Watch Video tab of this guide.
Practitioner/Location - These optional fields allow you to assign the record to a particular practitioner and/or location on your PPS system. This is useful when it comes to reporting on expenditure.
Invoice details - Use the second section of this screen to record the details of the invoice and the items being paid for, including the Invoice No. and Unit Cost. If you have VAT codes set up then you can automatically apply these here. Find details of setting up your accounting and VAT details here. The Unit Cost and Quantity, along with the VAT code will automatically calculate your Total expenditure in the Total field.
Both the Expense Type and Description field can be used to record new instances, or you can locate previously used information from the dropdown button to the right.
Payment - Use the "Paid By" dropdown to record the method used to pay for this expenditure and fill in other details of payment in the rest of the fields here. If the invoice is not yet paid then leave this section blank, you can return at a later date to mark the record as paid.
Once you've entered all the details choose OK to save the record.
Section 2 - Using the Practice Expenditure Report
a. Once you've begun adding information into the Expenditure Management tool you can report on your practice's expense using the Practice Expenditure Report. Access this by going to Reports > Reports & Mail Merge > Accounts.
b. To begin, double click on the report.
c. In this first screen you have some initial options that will allow you to define which expenditure records you want to view in the report. Select to view only expenditure instances assigned to a particular practitioner and those that have been paid, not paid, or both.
d. Next, you can use the Date Range tab to set a timeframe for the report if you only want to see expenditure records for a specific period. Use the "Apply to which date?" options to define which field the date range should apply to, either the date of the purchase or the date of the payment. Leave the fields in this tab blank to pull through all records, regardless of date.
e. In the breakdown tab you can choose how to categorise the results in your report. Learn more about Breakdowns in our general reporting guide.
f. In the Criteria tab you can restrict the results shown in you report to suit your needs. Learn more about Criteria in our general reporting guide.
g. The final tab, Print/Preview Options allows you control the way your report results appear. Add an optional heading field and tick boxes can be used to alter the output. Once you've made any necessary changes choose Finish at the bottom of the screen.
h. You can now view your report via the Preview option, print, or save it to your machine.