Should a client or third party wish to make a pre-payment for a series of future charges or perhaps a Treatment Plan you can record the payment to their account and keep it there as funds available and draw from it either in full or in part to pay off invoices when required.
Section One - Adding funds to an Account
a. Access the Record a Payment screen either via the New button on a client or third party's Accounts screen or from the Accounts menu.
b. Make sure the correct client or third-party is selected or search for them via Invoice number at the top of this screen. Below here you'll see if the selected client or third party has any outstanding balance.
c. Enter the payment details including the amount in section 3 of this screen. If the payment amount entered surpasses that of the outstanding balance then you will be notified. If there are outstanding invoices on the account then you'll be prompted to associate this payment to them once you Save It. If you do not allocate the Payment to an invoice then it will be held as funds on the account.
Section Two - Paying off an Invoice using Funds on Account
a. When you come to raise Charges and mark them as Invoiced/Paid you'll be given the option to draw the payment from the funds available on the client or third party account. This will come at the point of choosing the Payment Method as shown below in examples for charges raised straight to payment from Create A Charge, Cash Desk, and Complete an Appointment.
b. Alternatively, access an already raised Invoice either via the Accounts screen, Client or third party log, or the Invoices / Receipts List and choose the Payment button at the bottom of the screen. Here you can choose to Select an Existing Payment to Allocate to this Invoice
You'll then be presented with a list of any payments that can be associated to this invoice in order to pay it off. Select the relevant payment and choose Select to associate it to the invoice.
Section 3 - Paying off multiple invoices from one payment
a. If you need to pay off multiple invoices from one payment then the easiest place to do this is from the payment itself. This is particularly useful in cases where a third-party has made a bulk payment to be used against invoices for several clients.
b. To begin, record the payment either for the client or third party as detailed in Section One.
c. When the time comes to associate the payment locate it either from the log or accounts screen of the client or third party. You can also locate payments from the Payments List in the Accounts menu. Double click the payment to open.
d. From this screen you'll see a list of all invoices that this payment can be allocated to. In the example above we're using a third-party payment so can see multiple invoices for several different clients. If you're using a client payment then you will only see any invoices for that client.
Choose which invoices to allocate the payment to by ticking the "Allocate" box in each instance. You can also make any necessary changes to the payment details and see a running total of how much of the payment is allocated as you select the invoices and how much is remaining. Anything not allocated will be left as funds on the account.