a. There are several different ways in PPS to print off invoices for clients and third parties.
The Accounts Screen - Navigate to Accounts > Accounts and ensure that the correct client or third party is selected. Choose Print at the top of the screen. Find more information on the PPS Accounts screen here.
The Client or Third Party Log - Access the relevant log via the Client or Third-Parties menu. Select the relevant invoice in the list and choose Print at the top of the screen.
From within the Invoice - Open up the invoice either from the log, the account screen, or the Invoices / Receipts List by double clicking. Then, choose the Print option.
b. You'll next be presented with the below screen. From here you can see which invoice is selected to print. If you came here from the Accounts screen you'll see all relevant invoices here, or just a single entry if there is only one or if you chose print direct from a selected invoice. If there are multiple invoices present in the list then select the one you want to print so that it turns blue. To select and print multiple invoices hold Ctrl on your keyboard and select multiple individual invoices or press Shift and choose two invoices spaced apart to select those and all listed between.
c. If you're printing multiple invoices you can then choose to print them out as one invoice or separately. You can also choose who to address the invoice to.
d. The layout selected will be your default Invoice Layout for the relevant Invoicee type. This is set in the Invoice Options screen, along with what details are actually populated in the invoices you're creating. You can find information on making changes to your Invoice Layouts or designing new ones here.
e. Use the Select... button in the bottom corner to make selections for which invoices to print based on a date range or whether or not the invoices are marked as Issued.
f. To print the Invoices, hit Print or choose Preview to see them as they will print beforehand.
g. Choosing E-Mail will open the Send E-Mail screen and the invoices will be ready-attached in PDF format.
h. To raise the selected invoices to a Healthcode claim file click the Healthcode button.