This guide will take you through the process of adding or modifying your Standard Charges and Stock Items. Use these to charge for treatments or goods.
Navigate to Tools > Look Up Tables and select Standard Charges and Stock Items. Choose Open or double click.
Here you'll see a list of your current standard charges. Select New to create a new Standard Charge or highlight an existing instance and choose Modify to make changes.
From here you can add or modify details for this charge item. See below for details on each of the sections.
The Description Section
Here you can create a Description that will act as the name of your charge item. Additionally, you can give the item a short code to allow for quicker searching.
The Category and Charge Type drop down fields are both free text. Enter new titles here to allow for further filtering of charge items or use the dropdown to select existing instances.
To price your item enter either a Net or Gross value and select the relevant VAT code. If you're using PPS to calculate VAT you'll need to enter the net value here.
Should the price for this item vary based on location, practitioner or invoicee use the Price Profiles section to create price variations that will automatically alter based on these conditions at the time of raising a charge.
If you would like a message to appear on screen whenever this charge is raised you can input this here.
If this charge is only available for one particular practitioner, location or Invoicee type then you can specify this here.
Follow Up
If you'd like to trigger a correspondence with the client a set period of time after this charge is raised for them you can do so from here. Set how long after the charge the follow-up should go and choose the template and the method of scheduling.
You'll also need to configure your client preferences to receive follow-ups which you can do via Tools > Options > General System Options > Set Up Client Preferences.
Here is where you can control this charge item as stock in your PPS system. More information on Stock in PPS can be found here.