PPS includes the ability to set up a Standard Charge item which is actually a collection of multiple standard charges that can easily be raised together at one time. You can assign a unique code and description to the multi-charge item as you would an individual standard charge and then choose which standard charges (and quantities thereof) are to be included.
This feature allows you to put packages together which you perhaps sell as one unit but may require breakdown of individual items on the invoice. Before creating a multi-charge item you will need to configure the individual standard charges.
Section One - Creating a Multi-Charge Item
a. To create a Multi-Charge item navigate to Tools > Look Up Tables > Standard Charges and Stock Items.
b. Choose the Multi-Charge option towards the bottom of the screen.
c. Add the multi-charge details in the top section of this screen including the Charge Code and description that will be used to locate and identify it when raising a charge.
d. To add a charge to the multi-charge select the next available field in the "Code" column. From here you can type in part of the charge code or description and hit enter to open the charge search field. Double click the required charge to add it to the list.
Repeat this until all necessary charges have been added.
If a charge has been added in error then select it with a single-click and choose Remove. Use the up and down arrows to re-order the charges in the list if necessary.
You can apply discount to individual charge items in the list by simply entering a fixed amount or a percentage in the Discount column for each charge.
e. Click Save once all the charges have been added.
Section Two - Raising a Multi-Charge
a. Multi-Charge items will appear in your list of available charges along with all others when raising charges either via Cash Desk or Create A Charge. In Cash Desk selecting the multi-charge will populate all the relevant charges and in Create a Charge either all the charges will be raise or added to the invoice depending on which option you choose.
Find details on the PPS Billing Process here.