Third Parties in PPS can be associated to clients and can be billed for client treatments or be contacted using PPS Activities with details regarding the client.
Section One - Adding and Modifying Third Parties
a. Third parties in PPS can come in nine different types which can be configured via Tools > Options > General System Options > Set Up Third-Party Contacts.
Though the default type names (displayed here in the grey column to the left) cannot be altered you can assign a Collective Term to each to suit how you refer to certain types of third parties. Make changes to these by typing into the Collective Term field for each.
If you click through each of the columns, selecting one of the fields, then a short explanation for what the information here can be used for will appear for each. This includes the tick boxes on the right side.
Click Save your Updates to save changes as you go along or use Apply and OK at the bottom of the screen to save and then exit the screen.
b. To add or modify a Third Party navigate to Third-Parties > 3rd Party Contact Details.
c. From this screen you can search existing third parties by typing all or part of the third party name in the field at the bottom and pressing Enter on your keyboard. Leaving the field blank and pressing Enter will return all results. You can further restrict result by Type using the dropdown box to the left hand side.
d. To make changes to an existing third party search for them here and highlight them and choose Modify. Use the Add option to create a new third party.
e. Third party details are set in a series of tabs that will appear whether you're adding or modifying.
f. The first of these is Personal Details which can be used to enter the unique details for this particular third party including the details of the individual contact in relation to this record.
g. Company details allow you to group multiple third parties under one company, e.g multiple GPs at one practice. To create a new company simply enter the details here or link an existing company by entering all or part of the company name in the top field and press Enter to search and select.
h. In the Accounts Settings you can assign a Warning Message to appear each time the third-party is selected and a note to appear on their Accounts screen. Additional billing settings are also available.
i. The contact preferences tab allows you to assign confirmation/DNA templates that will be a sent when a client books or DNAs an appointment that is linked to a Treatment Episode for which this third party is listed in the billing details.
f. Once you've finished adding or modifying your third party choose OK.
Find details on third party billing here.