Important: It's not presently possible to save Custom Excel Outputs created with a standard PPS Hosted Kingsoft license to a Mac. This process would need to be performed on a Windows machine.
When looking at the report output options in PPS you can either save the report as a PDF, XLS, TXT, CSV or DBF which will save the exact report that you've run and been able to preview.
Alternatively, you can export the report results to create a Custom Excel spreadsheet which will allow you to select the exact report columns that are available to that report into an excel spreadsheet. You can use this option to specify what data does and does not appear in the finished export.
Section One - Creating the Report
To begin the process of creating a Custom Excel you will first need to run the relevant report. For more information on building the right report for you please see the following guide: PPS Reports.
Once you've created the report and chosen Finish you will be given a series of options. For many of the reports one of these will be Custom Excel. Choose the Excel option to continue.
Section Two - Creating a Custom Excel Output
a. You will be taken to the Custom Excel Output screen. From here you can access your Custom Column Lists. These are templates that specify what data should be put into the spreadsheet for each result present in your report. To create a new list select Create New Custom Column List and press Modify.
b. You're now in the Custom Field Selection screen. From here you will specify a list of data columns that you want to appear in your excel spreadsheet.
To begin, give the Column List a name in the top left hand corner. This will allow you to identify this list in future so you can export the data without the need to repeat this part of the process.
c. Should you like a heading and subheading to appear on the spreadsheet you can enter these in the Excel Sheet Heading and Excel Sheet Sub Heading fields. Enable them first via the tick boxes and then enter the required text in the text fields.
d. You can also opt to include column headings via the tick box. This makes for easier identification of each column as the name of the category is present in the top row.
Choosing to Include Normal Report Fields will automatically add all of the data columns ordinarily included in your report in addition to the ones you select here.
e. In this screen you have an Available Tables list. The tables here represent categories of PPS data. Choosing different Tables will open up different Field options in the Available Fields list below. For example, if you choose the Client Table then the fields list will be all available Client-related fields that you can include in your document e.g, FULLNAME, ADDRESS1. The Tables listed are as follows:
Client - Select this to view all client-related options. For the most part, these fields relate to information entered in the client details screen.
Appointm - These are appointment related fields. If your report was appointment bases (such as an Appointment Diary List report) use this option to export details of the included appointments.
Activity - These fields relate to activities such as emails, SMS, letters and other client correspondence. Use these options if your report was based on activities.
Charges, Invoice, Payhead - These cover charges, invoices and payments respectively. If your report was account based use these fields to birng through information based on any of these three stages of accounting.
Contacts - When you've run a Third Party report you can use these fields to bring through Third Party details.
ClientContact - In a Treatment Epsiode report you can use these fields to pull through information on 3rd Parties associated to the Treatment.
Treatment - Use these fields to bring through Treatment Episode information in Treatments reports or Accounts/Appointments reports for instances where a Treatment is associated.
f. Once you've selected the correct Table you'll see a list of the Available Fields from this table. The fields are the instances of data that you want to be present in the completed spreadsheet. When you've identified a Field you'd like to include in your spreadsheet select it and double click to move it over to the Selected Fields list.
g. The Selected Fields list present all the fields you have selected thus far to include in your spreadsheet. Move items into and out of it by double clicking or by using the chevron buttons.
h. To see an example of how to create a list to export client names and email addresses see the following guide: Exporting Client Email Addresses.
Section Three - Creating your Custom Spreadsheet
a. Once you're happy you've selected all the fields you'll require choose Save at the bottom of the screen. Now that you've saved the list you can come back and modify or use it whenever required.
b. Click Create Excel Output to begin building your custom spreadsheet.
c. Once complete you'll be presented with your finished spreadsheet. If you see a "Switch To" message during this process then resolve this by pressing Alt+Tab.
Important: If you're using a PPS Hosted system and you're having issues saving the report spreadsheet to your computer then you may need to enable Local Drives.