You can use the PPS reporting function to export a list of your client's email addresses. The Custom Excel option allows you to build a spreadsheet with data fields specified by you. This guide will specifically look at exporting email addresses, but you can find more information on the possibilities of Custom Excel here.
Once a spreadsheet of your contacts has been exported from PPS you could then look at using a 3rd-party marketing system like Mailchimp to import your contacts into and email them.
Compiling your list of email addresses
a. Go to Reports > Reports and Mail Merge and in the Client tab double click on the Client List report.
b. From here you can specify which clients you want to bring through in the export. More information on reporting and criteria can be found in our general Reporting guide. If you'd like a list of all clients then you can skip each tab and go straight to Finish.
c. Once in the Report Output screen choose the Excel option.
d. You will now create a Custom Column List. This is a template that specifies what data should be put into the spreadsheet for each client present in your report results. To create a new list press Modify.
e. In the Saved Column List Name field in the top left give the list a name that you can use to identify it in future and use to export the emails without needing to repeat this part of the process.
In this screen, you have an Available Tables list. The tables here are sections of PPS data. Choosing different Tables will open up different Field options in the Available Fields list below. For the purposes of exporting client emails we will only need to use the Client Tables. With Client highlighted move down to the Available Fields list.
Scroll through the list until you come to EMAIL. Double-click on it to move it over to the Selected Fields list. Everything selected in this list will come through in your spreadsheet. If, in addition to emails you'd like to export the client's name you can do so by finding FULLNAME in the list of Available Fields and double click it so it joins EMAIL in the Selected Fields list.
f. Once you've made your Fields selections choose Save.
g. Back in the Custom Excel Output screen you can choose Create Excel Output to produce your spreadsheet. Depending on the number of clients you've exported, this may take some time to complete.
h. You will now be presented with your custom Excel spreadsheet.
Important: If you're using a PPS Hosted system and you're having issues saving the report spreadsheet to your computer then you may need to enable Local Drives.