In order to ensure optimum performance of your PPS system it is important to perform regular database maintenance. This consists of re-indexing the database files and archiving older audit and activities records.
The re-index function reorganises your data files to ensure optimum access speeds during normal PPS use. This feature also identifies and fixes a range of minor database corruptions that are sometimes caused by computer failures, power cuts, etc. If you are a PPS Sync Server user the re-index process further ensures all data can synchronise correctly.
To re-index you will need to ensure you are the only person logged into the system and that if you have sync server it is closed completely. Re-indexing and archiving can take some time, especially either has not been done in a while. With this in mind, it might be best to begin the process when immediate access to the system is not required as users will not be able to log in until it is complete and the process should not be stopped.
If you have a multiple PPS systems each database will need to be re-indexed separately on a regular basis. When performing the re-index you only need to ensure your local sites users are logged out - other sites can operate as normal.
We recommend re-indexing your PPS system once a week. It should also be run after installing new PPS updates or after major changes to data are made.
Once a month during the re-index process you will be prompted to archive older audit entries. These entries will still be accessible through the audit view but regular archiving can ensure your PPS system runs at optimum speed.
If you encounter any error messages when re-indexing we recommend contacting our support team before proceeding, ensuring that a full backup has been taken if your database is locally hosted.
Setting up your Activity Archive
In order to keep your system running at optimum speed you can set your system to automatically archive off older activity records. These will still be present from the client log should you need them but they're separated into an archive file to protect the integrity of the live ACTIVITY file.
To configure this navigate to Tools > Options > General System Options. In the General tab you have a section in which you can choose how old activities need to be before they're archived. Set this and choose Apply at the bottom of the screen. Activities older then this will then be archived at the beginning of each re-index process.
Re-indexing and Archiving the Audit and Activities
a. To perform a re-index you need to make sure that you are the only person logged into PPS and if you are a PPS Sync Server user, it is shut down before proceeding. It is highly recommended that a back up is taken before re-indexing.
Important: If you have recently updated your PPS system it is important that table updates are also run. These can only occur when a single user logs into a system that nobody else is currently logged into. You should take measures to do this after every PPS update followed by a re-index.
b. To begin the re-index go to Tools > Database Maintenance > Re-index Data Files.
c. Click OK when prompted to begin the re-index.
d. The next screen will appear if you have not archived your audit within the last month. Click Yes if you wish to archive your audit now, if not click No. Please ensure you do not need immediate access to the system if choosing to proceed with the archive, as this can take some time to complete and should not be stopped under any circumstances.
Extra Information: Archiving your PPS Audit places audit records from before the current month into archive folders, freeing up the "live" audit and reducing the likelihood of speed issues and audit corruption. Your older audit entries are still fully accessible via the Audit Viewer after archiving. It is recommended that you arrange time for your audit archive to process each month.
The archive and re-index will now run through. Allow this process to run through completely as stopping it can cause corruptions to your PPS data.
e. Once the re-index is complete you can resume normal use of your PPS system. Other users will now be able to log back in and if you are sync user you can relaunch Sync Server.