PPS Custom Forms reports allow you to report specifically on information gathered in your Custom Forms. The following guide gives a general introduction to the possibilities of these reports and how you can use them to meet your specific needs.
a. Access the Custom Forms Reports via the Reports menu at the top of your screen.
b. In the screen that opens you'll view and Custom Forms Reports you have existing. Choose to add a New report or select and Modify an existing one.
c. Enter a Report Name and any Notes that you will use in future to identify this specific report.
d. From the Select Style of Report Required field you have access to three different styles of reporting that can be used depending on your requirements. Find information on each of these styles of report below.
e. Tick Prompt for Mailshot when report is run if you'd like to commence the Mailshot process for all clients who come through as results of the report once it's run.
f. The Client Fields section appears regardless of the report style you choose and allows you to configure which client details appear per result when you export the result to Excel. For example, you may want to add FULLNAME, EMAIL, and PRACTITNER to export the client's name, email address, and registered practitioner.
Click Update to modify the client details. Select entries from the Available Fields list and double click them to add to the Selected Fields list.
g. Use the Optional Date Range settings to determine whether the date range you use when running the report applies to the date was added/created against the client or its last modification date.
h. In the Criteria Selected section you can choose, based on questions answered, what results you're looking for when running this report. E.g, you may want to see all clients you answered "Yes" to a question on a particular form. Click Update to configure this criteria.
Find your custom forms from the Available Forms list and select one you want to use a question from as part of your criteria. All questions in this form will then appear in the Available Questions list. Locate the question and double click to add it to the Selected Questions list. You can then define what criteria to apply to that question below. In the example above the report will find all clients who answer the question "Previous Episodes" with text containing "2016".
Continue adding questions and criteria until all your requirements are included and choose Close.
List of Clients matching selected Criteria
This option will provide you with a list of clients that match the criteria you have set in the Criteria selected section. The details provided per client will be what you have set in Client Fields.
Details from a Selected Form
This report type simply exports answers to specific questions. Use the Custom From Questions Update option to choose which questions you want to view answers to for any clients that match your criteria or fit in your date range.
Selecting this question type will only allow you to choose criteria from the chosen from.
Results from a selected Questions
This report style allows you to export all results from a specific question for all clients or all those within a date range/matching your criteria.
Once you've happy with your report set up choose Save at the bottom of the screen or Save As to save as a copy.
Back in the Custom Forms Reports screen select your report and choose Run. Enter your date range. The report will then run and you'll be presented with the results in form of a spreadsheet.