Summary reports in PPS are a more condensed version of reports that allow you to pull simple, numeric results for a wide range of data areas.
a. Navigate to Reports > Reports & Mail Merge > Summary Reports.
b. Here you'll see some pre-built Summary Reports which you can access by selecting and choosing Run or Open.
To build your own summary report select the Summary Reports Wizard and choose Open.
c. Here you'll fine a list of data categories. Use these to define the kind of results you want to see. In the example above we've opted to view the number of Appointments and the Average Appointment Duration.
d. Continue to the Break Down tab to define how your results will be sorted.
Breakdowns allow you to arrange your results into categories and sub-categories to make it easier to review specific groups of results based on your requirements.
In our example results data will be sorted into categories of the Diary User associated to the appointment and then by Appointment Type.
e. The next tab, Category allows you to restrict records based on a series of options.
Choose any of these options to just view results that apply to those categories. We'll only be looking at results for the "General" Department of our PPS system.
f. The Criteria tab can be used to further restrict your results. See our general reporting tab for more information on Criteria.
g. The final tab, Date Range allows you to specify what dates your results should fall under.
Click Finish to view your results.
h. You'll now see your results based on the options defined in the report. You can close out of this at any time to return to the report and make additional changes.
You'll see each of your results sorted by any of the breakdowns chosen.
You can choose to Preview, Print or Export results as required.