PPS Self Check-In allows your patients to mark themselves as having arrived for pre-booked appointments in your PPS appointments diary and also confirm their contact details.
PPS Check-in can be used with a PPS Local system and can run on any Windows tablet or PC and connects to your PPS database via your local area network. Please check the PPS Local system requirements in this guide.
You can also use PPS Check-in with your PPS Hosted system. You would require an additional Hosted Hosted license to host the Check-in software and a device that can support the Remote Desktop connection would also be required. Please see this guide for the PPS Hosted system requirements. Currently, PPS Self Check-In is not compatible with PPS Express.
The following guide details the necessary configuration for PPS Self Check-In. The PPS Self Check-In configurator comprises of one screen with two tabs. The two tabs allow you access to the Practitioner Waiting Room Instructions and Configuration Settings.
Contact our sales team via sales@rushcliff.com if you are interested in employing the Self Check-In service
Section 1 - Practitioner Waiting Room Instructions
This screen displays a list of all practitioners/diary users. Specific waiting room instructions can be assigned to each practitioner. Once an instruction is created it can be re-used by selecting the drop down to the right of the instructions field.
Section 2 - Configuration Settings
To access the Configuration Settings open the number pad and then enter the following:
(your exit code)2266344
This screen shows the configuration settings for the system. These settings should only be changed by a qualified installer or support representative.
SYSTEM=PPS This will define the back-end database being used. This example is for PPS.
LATECHECKIN=5 This defines the number of minutes after an appointment time you are allowed to check in, in this case, 5 minutes. The default setting (if this is not in the configuration file) is zero, i.e. no late check-in allowed.
EARLYCHECKIN=120 This defines how early for your appointment you can check in, in this case 120 minutes (2 hours). The default setting is 60 minutes.
DEMO=YES This setting only applies when connected to PPS and will use the PPS demo database rather than the live database.
DATABASE=\\CLINIC-SERVER\PPSV4.0\PPS-DATABASE This is the pathway to the main PPS database folder.
EXITCODE=1234 This is the code that is required to exit the SCI software. A number keypad is displayed when you double-click on the system logo. This is the code you will enter to close the SCI software.
TIMEOUT=60 This is how long (in seconds) the screen will pause at each step before resetting back to the start/welcome screen automatically. The default value is 60 seconds.
LANGUAGEFOLDER=\\myserver\checkinlanguage This is the optional shared location on the network of the prompt languages. The default value is a folder called “language” under the main Self Check-In software folder (this is normally used for single-kiosk installations).
UPDATEFOLDER=\\myserver\checkinupdate This is the optional shared location for the Self Check-In software to automatically download any software updates to. The default value is a folder called “update” under the main Self Check-In software folder (this is normally used for single-kiosk installations).
UPDATETIMER=60 This is how often (in minutes) the Self Check-In software will check the central server for updates. The default value is 60 minutes.
HEADING1=Welcome This is the text for the first heading line on the welcome screen. The default is Welcome.
HEADING2=To our practice This is the text for the second heading line on the welcome screen. The default is blank.
SUBHEADINGA1=Use this screen to check yourself in This is the text for the first main subheading line. The default value is as shown.
SUBHEADINGA2= Use this entry (plus 3 and 4) for three further lines underneath the first subheading. The font on these three lines is slightly smaller than SUBHEADINGA1.
SUBHEADINGB1= Touch the screen to begin this is the text for the second main subheading line. The default value is as shown.
SUBHEADINGB2= Use this entry (plus 3 and 4) for three further lines underneath the second subheading. The font on these three lines is slightly smaller than SUBHEADINGB1.
WELCOMEGRAPHIC=\\myserver\pictures\mybackground.jpg This allows you to place a graphic to cover the welcome screen (if the graphic contains your welcome headings you can set the above heading and subheading values to blank like HEADING1= ). The graphic will be stretched to fit the central portion of the screen. To avoid stretching make sure your graphic is 1280 x 661 pixels in size. You can use a combination of graphics and headings text – the headings will sit on top of the graphic.
MESSAGEDIARYUSER=YES This enables PPS to prompt the diary user that their patient has arrived.
LOCATION=Burton If you have more than one location then you can specify which location the Self Check-In software is in. Omitting this allows the patient to check in for any location. The Location name needs to be exactly the same as you have set up within the Location table in PPS. The name is case-sensitive.