Pronto allows authorised third-party referrers to book clients directly into your PPS Appointments Diary. If you'd be interested in using the Pronto service alongside your PPS system then contact our sales team via
Section One - Using the My Pronto Portal
Please Note: This guide is specific to the Pronto Referral process. You will need to record your clinical notes and invoicing in PPS as per usual in addition to the below process. Future updates to Pronto will allow automation of these procedures; for the time being this process will need to be done in both PPS and the My Pronto Portal.
Pronto Referral Process
When you receive a referral through Pronto, it will appear as a new appointment in your appointments diary.
You will also be able to see all Pronto referrals received by your clinic within the My Pronto portal (see below).
A notification email will be sent to the email address stored under the Clinic Email within Pronto Settings each time a booking is made.
Accessing the “My Pronto” Portal
When you initially register with Pronto, you will be emailed a set of login details in order to access your My Pronto portal.
You can access the My Pronto portal by visiting:
The My Pronto portal will give you access to all referrals which have been sent to your clinic from each referrer you are registered to work with.
Clinical & Financial Reporting
When new bookings are received, you will notice that the Report and Invoice buttons are available for each referral.
If the Report and Invoice buttons are faded out and cannot be clicked, this means the referring company does not require any information to be returned regarding the patient’s treatment. An example of such a referrer would be Bupa Self Pay.
If the Report and Invoice buttons are live, you will be required to return the clinical and financial information concerning the patient’s treatment back to the referring party. An example of such a referrer would be Physio Med.
Should a referrer reject any clinical or financial reports, you will be notified of this through the Pronto Portal where action will be required. Being able to find and correct these problems will ensure you get paid promptly. What to do in this situation is outlined below.
Submitting your clinical reports through Pronto
Selecting the report button on any referral will present 3 options; Initial, Interim and Discharge. These reports will need to be completed at the relevant periods during the patient’s treatment at the clinic (ie. Initial at the start, Interim during treatment and Discharge as completion).
When you select a report from the list, you will be presented with a series of pre-set questions which have been determined by the original referrer to be relevant. Pronto reports will always have the most up-to-date requirements from each referrer, and will be updated as and when necessary.
Below is an example of an Initial Assessment:
There are a number of sheets along the top (Face to Face Initial Assessment, RTW Modified Duties, and Treatment Summary). Each of these will contain a series of questions, some of which are mandatory and will be shown in red. You cannot submit a report that is incomplete. Work through the questions and complete as needed.
Each report does not need to be completed in one sitting. A draft can be saved using the “Save Draft” button so you may return and complete at a later point. When you have completed your report, choose the “Submit” button to send the report to the referrer. You cannot make changes after you have submitted your report.
After the Report has been submitted the status of the referral will change to be “In Treatment” and so on.
It may be that the report is marked as “Rejected” by the referrer and returned to you to make amendments. Remember to check the Rejected search area often. See below for further information on rejected reports and invoices.
Checking the status of the report can be done so via the “View” button on the referral. You can see the latest information on Appointments, Reports and Invoices.
Submitting your invoices through Pronto
Selecting the “Invoice” button on any referral will show a screen much like the one below:
You can complete your invoicing at whichever intervals you deem appropriate. For example; you can complete one invoice for each appointment, or wait and invoice all appointments at once at the end of a patient’s treatment with the clinic. It may be easier to submit more appointments on one single invoice to further reduce the administration time.
It is important to set the correct “Reference”. The “Reference” should be the invoice number you have produced when billing through PPS. This reference number will be used in the payment from the referrer.
You cannot adjust the invoice once it has been submitted, unless in the case whereby a referrer has rejected the invoice.
Rejected reports and invoices
There may be situations that develop for various reasons that will mark a Report as "Rejected".
For example, the referral company may reject one of your clinical report submissions due to a missing question.
These rejections require your attention to resolve. They will appear in the Referral list on the Pronto Portal, as shown below;
It is important to note that, currently, you will only be notified of rejections through the Pronto Portal. It is, therefore, important to check your My Pronto Portal as often as you can. There will be more alert options in future releases.
Select the “View” button to see which report requires attention:
In this example it is the Initial Report that has been queried. Clicking the “View” button again will allow you to see exactly what has been queried.
Comment(s) from the referrer will be shown in orange at the top of the report.
Adjust the report as required and click “Submit” at the bottom to confirm the changes. The referrer will then evaluate your adjustments and approve / rejected as appropriate.