The following guide will take you through the process of adding a new internal PPS user. These can be users who log in or just those you want to add to your diary or accounts. There is no limit on how many of these user can be added to your PPS database.
Find details on deleting a PPS User here.
Please note, adding a new user in this way will not affect your license agreement. If you wish to add an additional license/concurrent user to the system then you can do so by contacting our sales team via
Section One - Creating the User
To create a new internal PPS user you will need to be logged in as the System Administrator. Head to Tools > Set Up Practitioners & System Users. If you can only see your own login name listed and nobody else's then you are not logged in as the administrator and will not be able to add a new user.
Choose Add to begin.
In the upper section of the User Profiles screen, you can add the general details for the new user. Like all elements of the new user set up these can be changed at a later date.
The fields in the User details are as follows:
Full Name & Initials: Use these to recognise the user throughout the system. The initials will be used to stamp all user activity in the audit.
Job Title, Discipline, Register No, User Group: Use these to filter and define different users. Each field is free text. Type in the dropdown boxes to create a new category or drop-down to select one already existing. The Discipline category can be used to filter the diary display while user groups can be used for group messaging.
Sex: Enter M or F to populate the correct sex of the user
Section Two - User Set-Up
Below the user details section, you will find a series of tabs that allow you to do additional set-up for the new user. The first tab, User Set Up allows for the following:
Practitioner/Appointments Diary: Here you can set whether this new user is a practitioner on the system and/or requires an appointment diary in their name.
Default Commission Rate: Set the commission rate for this practitioner here, if applicable.
Outgoing E-Mail Settings: If you would like the user to have a from name and address that differs to the system standard when sending emails then set these here.
Online Settings: If you're a Pronto or Online Booking user you can set the practitioner to be available for bookings here.
Section Three - Log In Details
If the user will need to log into PPS using their own internal login then head into the Log In Details tab to set this up.
Tick the box to say this user needs to log into the system and then enter a Login ID for them to use each time they access the system.
To create a password for the first time press Reset Password. You will be prompted to enter their password twice. Once done, choose Change. Please note, for security purposes the user will be prompted to set their own, unique password when they first log in so the one set here will be temporary. It is not possible to re-use PPS passwords at any point.
If you'd like the user to be prompted to change their password regularly then you can set this here.
Password functionality in PPS differs from version 88 onward to include improved security protocol. Find details on this here.
Section Four - PPS Messages
Use this screen to set how often, if at all, PPS checks for new messages for the user. These can include alerts such as when a client arrives or direct messages from other users on the system. The messages will appear in a pop up on screen. An accompanying sound notification is optional and can be included here.
See our Messages and Notifications guide for more information.
Access Control
From this tab, you can choose to limit the user's access to view and modify parts of the system. If you wish to make specific changes to their access rights then go into the Settings in this screen. You can find more information on this in our Access Controls guide.
Preferences and Completing
The final tab, Preferences, allows for further customisation of the users PPS experience:
Customise the Task Bar: Here you can select what menu options appear in the taskbar that shows to the right of the PPS screen.
Contact Preferences: If you'd like the user to receive notifications with regards to their appointments on the system then you can set this here. You can choose to send the user a practitioner confirmation when a new appointment is booked in their diary or when an existing appointment is marked as DNA. To do this you'll need to select a template (find information on templates here) and add the relevant contact details. You'll also need to select the booking sources you'd like to trigger these.
Once everything is done, choose Save to complete the process.
Logging In
If you have created a login for the new user then the first time they come to log in to PPS they will receive the below window which will allow them to create their own password.