Please Note: This guide is only applicable to users accessing our new Express v2 system. If you have not had your system updated to this version of Express you can contact to see if you are eligible for an upgrade.
The Medical History questionnaire allows you to set a standard list of questions that can be filled in on a per-client basis. The answers to these are recorded on a yes/no/N/A basis and you can opt to have certain information flagged up if it is of importance to client treatments. The flagged-up information will show up in the consultation screen to assist while carrying out the Treatment.
Section 1 - Configure your Medical History Questionnaire
Important: Only the PPS System Administrator will have access to the Medical History Questionnaire settings.
To configure your Medical History Questionnaire navigate to the Settings menu in the top right-hand corner of the screen and then select System Settings> Medical History Questionnaire. Here you can add and modify your questions.
Select Create Question to add a new question to your list.
In the Summary Answer field determine the text that will appear if the client answers each question in the way determined by your criteria.
In the example below answering this question with a Yes will prompt the term "Medication" to appear in summary in the client log and in the Medical History details in consultations for that client because we've also ticked "Include in Summary". Ticking "Alert" will mean that if this question is answered in the way set here then an alert will flag up each time the consultation screen is opened for that client.
You can also set how long in weeks after a question is initially answered, it should be marked to be reviewed. Once one or more questions are due to be reviewed this will be flagged in the consultation screen and client log.
Section 2 - Fill in the Medical History Questionnaire
To fill in or make amendments to a client's Medical History questionnaire navigate to Client search for the client and then select Medical History.
If you have not yet filled in the medical history for the client then all questions will be flagged in red as Due for review.
You can answer the questions, provide details in the notes box and then Mark as Reviewed when completed.
You can filter the Medical History Questionnaire by All questions or only the ones Due for Review.
There is also the search function to allow you to quickly find a particular question.
Section 3 - Medical History Alerts in Consultations
The Medical History information will also be displayed in the consultation screen to assist while carrying out treatment.
When you open the Consultation screen a pop-up will be displayed if there are either questions answered that have an alert triggered or questions that are due for review. You can then choose to Review Medical History which will open the questionnaire within the consultation screen or choose to skip this by selecting Start Consultation.
Once in the Consultation screen you can still easily view any Medical History alerts in the Medical Information box by selecting the arrow to expand the box.
And the full Medical History Questionnaire can be opened and reviewed or altered for this client by clicking the Medical History Questionnaire box here: