If you are a PPS Hosted or Express user you will have access to send emails using our default SMTP provider, Sendgrid. This will allow you to send emails immediately through PPS, whether for appointment confirmations, reminders, invoices or just an ad-hoc email to your clients.
This guide will explain the implications of using Sendgrid to send emails through PPS.
Section 1: Sendgrid Regulations
When using the default Sendgrid account, there are certain regulations that we need to comply with.
If we do not comply with these regulations, our account could be suspended or revoked and all emails sent via PPS using our SMTP details would cease to be processed.
For this reason, we have had to make sure that all emails sent through the Sendgrid email settings contain an Unsubscribe Link and clients using PPS on v4.1.1706 and above will have all emails sent through a generic noreply@rushcliff.com email address.
Unsubscribe Links
For more information on Unsubscribe Links included in the emails sent through PPS please read this guide.
'Noreply' email address
This change will effect users on PPS v4.1.1706 and above where the emails sent through PPS will come from a generic noreply@rushcliff.com email address.
Section 2: Using your Own SMTP Account
If you'd like to continue sending from your own clinic addresses and avoid your emails being sent through the noreply@rushcliff.com address, we strongly recommend employing your own SMTP account for PPS use, this will also allow you to manage your own unsubscribes and look at any sending data. Details of using your own SMTP can be found here.
Section 3: Reverting to the Sendgrid account
You can revert your email settings to the default Sendgrid settings but please be aware that all the regulations outlined in Section 1 above will apply again and the unsubscribe link will be added back into your emails and your emails will send from a generic noreply@rushcliff.com email address.
To revert your email settings navigate to Tools > System Set Up > Email Settings and tick the option that will allow you to Send via the PPS Hosted SMTP Service: