Please Note: This guide is only applicable to users accessing our new Express v2 system. If you have not had your system updated to this version of Express you can contact to see if you are eligible for an upgrade.
Set up Automations in Express to be able to automatically send emails, SMS messages or Online Forms when certain actions in PPS are completed.
The Automations are completely customisable and will help streamline your workload.
Section 1 - Configure your Automations
To start setting up your automation, click the menu button in the top right hand corner of Express and then select System Settings. Select Automations.
From here you can configure your Automations.
Tip: Have a look at the suggestions for examples of Automations that can be added.
Add your own Automation by clicking Create Automation.
The first step in creating your Automation is to select the 'trigger.' This will be the action that takes place to set the wheels in motion for your Automation.
You can select one of the following triggers:
* Online Client Form Completed
* Appointment Completed
* Appointment Booked
* Client Added
Tip: When planning which Automations to send be sure not to double up on any existing actions that might already be set up in the system. For example, if you already have email/SMS appointment booking confirmations set up dont add another Automation to send an appointment booking confirmation when a new appointment is booked.
Next you will need to select the 'action'. This is the activity that takes place each time the trigger activity is fulfilled.
You can choose from three different actions:
* Send an Online Client Form
* Send an email
* Send an SMS
Select your required action and then configure which form and/or activity template to send.
Once you have selected the trigger and the action you can then apply any needed filters. This step is optional but can help you set up specific triggers that apply to a certain Practitioner, a certain Location or a certain Department.
Finishing Up:
In the next step, you can add a name and a description for your Automation.
In the final step, you can see an overview of the Automation you have just set up.
If you are happy with all of your settings you can toggle the on/off button to make your Automation live.
Once your Automation has been created you can control it from this screen where you can turn it on and off or edit it. You can also check the indicator icons to see how often your Automations are successful or failing.
Section 2 - Failures:
You can use the 'Failures' tab to keep track of any failed Automation, these will be Automations that have not been sent due to certain reasons.
For example, if you had an automation set up to send an online form when a new client is added into the system but the client doesn't have an email address and/or telephone number then the online form would not be able to send.
When checking the failures and finding, like this example, that there is missing contact information, you can edit the client screen and add the contact information in, if you have it, or you can dismiss the automation by clicking the rex 'x' button, meaning that the client will not receive the online form.
If you have been able to address the Automation failure you can manually run the Automation again by clicking the play button:
Section 3 - Automation Stats:
View your Automations Stats from the Express dashboard so that you can quickly and easily see if any failures need to be dealt with as well as how many automations the system has dealt with.