The following guide details the new additions to PPS that will allow users to enact GDPR compliance.
Deleting a Client
We've updated the client delete process in PPS to make it fully GDPR compliant. It's still accessible from the Client Details screen just as before:
When you come to delete a client click the Delete icon and you'll receive the following prompts:
The delete process is now entirely irreversible and all client data is untraceable once the process completes.
Important: This delete process will not affect any backups you have taken and stored which will still retain the client data.
If your client can be deleted in full you'll receive the above confirmation. However, if there are accounts records present then you'll receive the below prompt when you choose Delete.
In cases where there are accounts records (charges, invoices, payments) on the client file the rest of the client data will be removed but an anonymous client record will remain with the anonymised accounts records associated to it.
Exporting Client's Data
In PPS head to the Client Details if you need to export a client's data in a human or machine readable format. Choose the Export all data for this client option as shown below to proceed:
Choose where you'd like to create the export.
PPS Hosted User? You'll need to ensure you have local drives enabled in order to do this.
Choose whether to name the export files using the client's surname or PPS client number and choose Go to proceed. Once the process completes human-readable and and XML copies of the client's data will be downloaded to your chosen location.
Excluding Clients from Processing
In the Preferences section of the Client Details screen there's a field that allows you to mark the client as being excluded from data processing. Tick this box and choose Save to exclude a client from processing.
You'll receive the following prompt which needs to be confirmed before proceeding:
Then, when running reports you can use the following criteria to exclude clients who've objected to data processing:
Restricting Clients
Important: Appointments associated to restricted clients will not appear in your appointments diary. If you un-restrict a client their appointments will return, which may result in booking conflicts where appointments have been made in their place.
To restrict a client's data from any modifications navigate to the Client Details screen and set their Status to Restricted.
Choosing this option will prevent any changes from being made to this client's data while they remain marked as Restricted.
Once a client has been marked a Restricted a Critical Note will be placed on their record which will pop up each time you select them.
If you try and make changes to the client while they're Restricted you'll get the below message. Only changes can be made to the Notes section of the client, available in the Client Details screen.
Your system administrator can control who does or does not have permission to restrict and unrestrict clients via the system access controls:
If you need to revert a client back to not Restricted simply open up their client details screen, change their Status as before and choose Save.