Within the client details screen you have extra fields that you can add to and customise. These fields are useful for collecting specific data from your clients, for example if you want to collect certain information from them for marketing purposes. Here is how to use those fields, add them, set up the options to choose from and report on them.
For more information and settings within the client details screen please have a look at this guide.
Section 1 - Adding Custom Client Fields
If you navigate to Tools > Options > General System Options > Custom Client Fields you will see the the available fields. They are broken down into categories of Look Up Fields that you can add different options to select from; Standard Fields where you can use free text to record the information; Date Fields where up to 2 dates can be recorded and Numeric Fields where you can record up to 2 numbers.
If you want to add a new Look Up Field there are 2 default entries that you cannot change - Source of introduction and Occupation - the blank fields are the ones that you can customise.
Enter the text you require and then use the tick boxes to show if you want the fields to be visible on the client log, mandatory, or visible on the minimal client details screen, accessible from the appointment.
Section 2 - Adding the Look Up Fields
You can then add the options for the drop down menu. Select Tools > Look Up Tables. In the top left hand box are the Client and Activity tables and you will then see the new fields that have been added. If you select one and select open you will be able to add the options for the answers:
You can add the required fields or modify existing fields here:
You will then be able to select these fields in the client details screen:
Section 3 - Reporting on Custom Client Fields
These fields can also be reported on by going to Reports > Reports & Mail Merge > Client > Client List > Open.
Then navigate to Criteria and select the field name that you are wanting to report on.
These fields can also be reported on by going to Reports > Reports & Mail Merge > Client > Client List > Open.
Then navigate to Criteria and select the field name that you are wanting to report on.
This kind of report could then help you run a mailshot focused on sending to these clients.