Section 1 - Selecting a Report
All reports can be found via Reports > Reports & Mail Merge and are sorted into sections. For this report, we’re going to open the Client List Report to use the Reports Wizard.
Section 2 - Select
In this section, we’re going to select to include clients where Any Single Occurrence appears in a specific date range.
Section 3 - Date Range
Now we need to select the date range, but this can also be left blank to include all clients in the system.
Section 4 - Breakdown
This section can be skipped for this report or you can view the report by client status if you want to look at the report in groups of active or inactive clients.
This section can be skipped.
Section 5 - Criteria
This section allows us to be particular about the clients we are reporting on. This is where we will ask the report to pull through clients without a specific contact detail. You can use this to create a list of clients where, for example, the email address field in the client details screen is blank.
If you wanted to have a look at clients where the mobile number is blank it would look like this:
Section 6 - Print/Preview Options
This section allows us to choose extra snippets of information to view in the report Preview mode.