Spell check is available in major PPS text fields such as the consultation screen, custom form free text boxes, and activities.
The spell checking option is always enabled, however there is the option to disable Auto Spell Check. Auto Spell Check is the red squiggly line that appears under incorrectly spelled words as you’re typing. When this function is disabled you can click the 'Sp' button to show the spell check window, only then will you be notified of any mistakes that may have been made.
Above: A spelling mistake as it appears in the consultation screen with Auto Spell Check enabled.
Below: A spelling mistake as it appears with Auto Spell Check disabled, and the location of the Spell Check button.
You can find the option to enable or disable auto spell check via Tools > Options > General System Options > Spelling Check.
Tick or untick this box and choose OK to save.
You can use the "Sp" button highlighted in the example above to check for misspellings with either the Auto Spell Check enabled or disabled. Once clicked, a screen will open that will allow you to view all misspellings in the current text and either:
- Select a word from the suggested list by double clicking, this will replace the misspelling. Do this for the current word or choose the top suggestion for all words.
- Ignore the spell check notification and proceed with the current spelling. Do this for the current words or all flagged misspellings.
- Add the spelling to your dictionary so it will not be flagged as a mistake again.
With Auto Spell Check enabled you can right click the misspelled word to access the above options via a dropdown.
Words added to the dictionary are saved on a per PPS user basis, so will only be saved for you and will appear as misspellings for other users unless they added them themselves.
Extra Information: If you have custom comma separated dictionary files that you'd like us to incorporate into your PPS database then please contact us via support@rushcliff.com