If you are a new PPS Express user or if your system has recently been converted to allow you access to the latest version of PPS Express v2 then this guide will introduce you to the basic features and new additions to the software.
Section 1 - Settings and Set Up in Express
If you have an Express system on its own or if you use Express in conjunction with a PPS system you will have certain settings in Express that you will need to navigate. The settings that are available in Express will be different if you use Express in conjunction with a PPS system so if you see that a feature is not available in the Express system it will most likely be because this setting is controlled in the PPS system.
Familiarise yourself with the settings is PPS Express by having a look at the following guides on confirmations and reminders, SMS Settings, User Settings, and System Settings.
Section 2 - Clients
Learn to add and manage your clients in your PPS Express system and understand all the information that can be recorded relating to the client. Find out about the clients in this guide.
Section 3 - Diary
Use the diary to manage your appointments, meetings, lunch breaks and any appointments that are not attended. Multiple users can access Express and have their own diaries set up.
Manage your diary view in Express to access one or multiple diaries and find out how to add specific availability in this guide. Find out how to navigate the appointment diary in this guide.
Section 4 - Consultation
We’ve completely redesigned the consultation screen to give you all of the tools you need to capture comprehensive treatment notes.
The consultation screen now includes a full treatment history view with easy to use filters to make it simple to review forms, documents and medical history. All-new functionality has been added to allow the use of body charts, images and annotations and we’ve increased the range of compatible custom form question types so you can now capture signatures too.
Find out how to navigate the consultations in this guide.
Section 5 - Accounts
Manage your accounts with the simple process of completing your appointments in Express. Charges are associated with the different appointment types and reasons for non-attendance and the 3 accounts reports will help you track and maintain your records.
Find out how to navigate Accounts in Express in this guide.
Section 6 - Messages
Use the internal messages to communicate and keep in touch with other PPS users.
Section 7 - Reports
You can use the reports in PPS Express to review and export information on your clients, your accounts and your appointments.
Find out how to navigate the Reports in Express in this guide.