Please note: This guide is only applicable to users moved to our new hosting provider. Please contact with any queries.
Section 1 - The Remote Desktop app
The Microsoft Remote Desktop is a free app that will allow you to connect to your PPS Hosted session from your Android device.
Navigate to your Android App Store (Play Store, Google Play) and search for Microsoft Remote Desktop. Install the app.
You should also check the Online System Requirements to ensure that you will be able to connect to hosted server.
Section 2 - Login Details
You will receive an email, sent to the email address registered to your account, containing the new login details to allow you to connect to the new server. This email will contain two attachments, one containing your new login details in a text document and the other containing the link to a web page to download your pre-configured RDP that can be used to connect on a Windows PC only.
Download the text file from the email and open to access your passwords.
Section 3 - Setting up your Remote Desktop link
a. Open the app once it is installed and press the + symbol in the top right. Select to add a new Desktop.
b. In the Add Desktop screen enter your server address under the PC name field. Your server address will be in the format of [yourppsregistrationnumber]
c. Under user name select to Add User Account. Enter the username that was sent to you in your Hosted credentials email. The username will begin with ppshosted\5*****.user*
Tip: In this screen, you have the option to save your credentials but you will not be able to save passwords for the connections to the server. This has been done for security reasons to keep your data secure. We have set the passwords up as simple to remember 4-word passphrases but you are able to reset the passwords too. Instructions on resetting passwords can be found in this guide.
d. Once back in the Add desktop screen select to Show Additional Options and in the Gateway options select to Add Gateway.
e. Enter the Gateway into the Server Name field as and select the user account that was just set up. Select to Save the settings.
f. You should then have all the details stored and you can Save the settings in the top right-hand corner.
g. Your PPS Hosted connection will now appear as an icon within your Remote Desktop app. Press on this to connect to PPS.